Friday, June 29, 2012

Romney, Serfdom, and You

     I recently read an article on Think Progress that was titled Romney: Students Should Get ‘As Much Education As They Can Afford’. This caught my attention because I'm soon to be a college student and I would hate financial aid to be cut. It can seem at many times Romney is incredibly out of touch. His riches have sheltered him from the world of the common man and the hardship that they must overcome. One of these challenges is getting a college education so as to survive in this falling economy. As difficult as it already is to pay for and succeed in college, Romney wants to do nothing to help the poor, brilliant students and possibly deprive them of financial aid.
    The author of this article does a fine job of presenting the argument and backing it up with quotes from Romney. The author is obviously a bit angry over Romney's lack of support toward the poor but instead of voicing a strong forceful opinion against the subject, the author supplies facts that will lead the reader to a similar opinion. This is a good method because it just shows how blatantly Romney doesn't care for the poor students who can't afford college.
    Romney is harkening back to medieval times with these ideas and policies. With his idea to cut spending on higher education he is in turn creating a society that is similar to serfdom during the dark ages. Yes, people still have more freedom than those of that time period, but they will be forced into different social classes just because of their parents wealth. A brilliant student who could create the next big technology or cure cancer is being held back because his parents are poor. You can't succeed in this country if you aren't given a chance and Romney loading the dice towards the wealthy.

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